pre-TTW short course: Wednesday 22nd March, 2017
On the day before Tiree Tech Wave, Alan will do a short day course “Making Sense of Statistics in HCI: From P to Bayes and Beyond”.
Alan will be running this course at CHI 2017 in Denver in May, but if you can’t make CHI, or prefer a shorter trip this is for you.
The focus is on understanding what statistics mean, not learning a dozen new tests, so should be of value whether you are producing statistics from experiments or studies, or trying to make sense of the statistics you read in other people’s articles and reports.
For more about the content of the course see the course micro-site.
The TTW version will run over a full day, but starting after the morning plane arrives from Glasgow and finishing in time to catch the plane back to Glasgow in the evening. So it is possible to simply come for the day, but I’d suggest flying (or taking the ferry) the day before to give yourself a chance to see a bit of the island!
Cost: free for those attending TTW, otherwise £50, which will include lunch.
If you are interested (either as TTW attendee or just for the course), please let Alan know as soon as possible in order to help planning.