Open Data in Scotland

11am Friday 24th March, Tiree Rural Centre

Liam Cavin a statistician working for the  Scottish Government is will give a workshop about open data available at and how to use it.

The workshop will consist of three sessions, the first two for more general audience, and the last for those wanting a more technical view.

  1. The principles and history of open data publishing.
    This first session will be an introduction to open data and linked data. Liam will cover what open and linked data is, why it’s worth doing, a bit about the technical concepts behind it, and the approach to it in the Scottish Government.
  2. Practical demonstration.
    The second session will be more hands on: a live demo of, with interactive exercises to get people investigating datasets of interest and accessing the data.  This will include how to find datasets of interest, slice the ‘data cubes’ and extract what you need  in csv format.
  3. Accessing the data programmatically.
    The third session will run through another demonstration of how to access the datasets programmatically, using an API.

The workshop is open to all Tree Tech Wave attendees and islanders.  Please let Alan know if you are intending to participate.

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